One month, 3 Hollywood movies
It's been a month since our journey did begin.
History will be told, piece by piece...
It all started the 12th of December 2010 at a Booze Cruise. We went a couple of people from work and had a great time. As fast as we enter the dinner area, we meet Stureplan's finest. Haha. And let's say it like this, we were the only "young" and normal people there. Haha, and as you all know by now, I do not kiss and tell. But it was dirty for some of us, and some didn't had the chance to get any. Even thou they had the chance. Haha.
Well, the party week started and we had a great time. Mäkk did lead us into a world of dirty dirty secrets. Me and K was like two ghost, fine by me to be honest. Haha. Well, today it's a bit of a Love Drama. And I like to stand next to this and watch... Or sorry we like to watch. Peeping Tom warning... ;)
Well, the 15th of December is one of the best days of my life. On our way to Spy Bar, after work. Nice! K me and Mäkk. Going home to me, get my ID and all that shit. And best of all, half way there I notice that I lost it. Haha just turn around and found it. But yeah. When we came down to Spy Bar, I told the girls, that I ain't standing in line, so we took a drive to see if Soap Bar was open, and with my luck, no. Haha. Anyways, ended up at Spy Bar, med V and D. Very nice, but before I leave the cab, the driver, a very handsome man, sexy and kind of dangerous but still charming, and I kept on talking, he gave me his number and so on. We said good night and all was nice. Had a beer and a funny way to make fun of ugly people. But well well, we are Angels. ;)
And now, we are here, a month later. I am still, believe it or not still going strong with P. Works for me, even thou every couple has their secret. Mine is as you all know, DIRTY ;) Mäkk is going up and down with D, the guy I met at the booze cruise. And in between it has been Heaven and Hell.
Well movie one, the booze cruise. You had to be there to understand how SICK it really was, all the fights, all the kisses, all the dirty things. Everything was amazing. In a good and a bad way.
Movie two, is all the drama, in the middle of it all. Mäkk and D. Me and P. Left work, and all the parties.
Movie three is the love story. My life has changed. My life will change. I will still be dirty. And trust me, with this guy, I'll grow into my Dirty lifestyle for real. It is a drama of itself.
Fucking lovely to be back on top.
I am Dirt. Yours truly.
The world with new eyes.
I am the master.
Well, we had a little conversation at work the other day and it got freaky, as usual when I am around. Haha
I see the world as a zoo. Men are animals and women are animals... and I am the owner of the zoo. Which means that I own the world. And I love people differently much. If we have too much of the cows at my zoo, we will get rid of them, how? That's the secret I'll never tell... But if some animal acts wrong, they will get killed. And I will make them go away. Sell them, kill them or whatever...
If there's a fight for the alpha male, and everyone know that the owner makes the decision of who will make it to the next level. This zoo is like a video game as well,.. I am the master jedi, and you are all my padawans, my puppets my slaves. Haha. But I did notice that in this zoo, we have a little bit too much of cows in my zoo... Who wants them?
Haha we just had a talk at home about the size of a man's penis, and the dept of a woman... and K says "mine is longer!!!" what the hell?! haha
Well, I know that in my zoo a creditcard is overrated, a big penis is overrated and love... fuck that shit, I am Dirt! If I want love, I call my mother. That's her part in life, to loooove me for the rest of my life, no matter what I do or say.
Back to my zoo... If anyone needs a fat, ugly cow... give me a ring. I give them away. This is 2011, we don't have time or space for ugly people in this world ;)
- Dirt